Monocytes Spin Medium

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単球スピン培地は、新鮮な末梢血やバフィーコートから単球を高収率で濃縮するための、すぐに使える無菌密度培地です。サンプルにもよりますが、60~80%の純度が得られます。Monocytes Spin は、ビーズを介した単球濃縮に代わる穏やかな方法で、特に細胞培養や分化などの下流のアプリケーションに適しています。


サンプル材料Whole Blood, PBMC, Buffy Coat, Cord Blood, Bone Marrow, Primary Cell Solution
フォーンレンジ6.8 – 7.4


Enrichment with Monocytes Spin Medium
Monocytes with regular PBMC medium
Enriched cells with Monocyte Spin Medium
Monocytes in CD45 population
Enriched cells with Lympho Spin Medium
Monocytes in CD45 population

Fig 1.: Enriched cells with Monocyte Spin Medium.

FSC/SSC plot of CD45+ cells after enrichment through density gradient centrifugation with Monocyte Spin Medium.

Fig 2.: Monocytes in CD45+ population.

huCD14+ plot gated on huCD45+ shows enrichment of monocytes up to 70% after density gradient centrifugation with Monocyte Spin Medium.

Fig 3.: Enriched cells with Lympho Spin Medium.

FSC/SSC Plot of CD45+ cells after enrichment through density gradient centrifugation with PBMC Spin Medium. typically PBMC consist of 70-90% lymphocytes and 10-25% monocytes. In older blood contamination with granulocytes are possible.

Fig 4.: Monocytes in CD45+ population.

huCD14+ plot gated on huCD45+ cells shows that 24,5% of the PBMC Spin enriched cells are monocytes. This proportion depends on the individual.

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